Sunday 27 February 2011

Aldo Zilli and the Baby Zilli Team's thoughts on Child Obesity

The Foresight report written last year by 250 leading scientists says that Britain’s child obesity crisis is so severe that if current trends continue, by 2050 about 60% of men, 50% of women and 25% of children in the UK will be clinically obese – so fat that their lives are in danger. At present around a quarter of adults and 15% of children are obese.

The report expects type 2 diabetes to rise by 70 %, strokes to go up by 30 % and a 20% rise in coronary disease.  We are eating too much and exercising too little
Technology enslaved children lazing on the couch, snacking on junk food with the remote control buried deep within their fat folds are in danger of being outlived by their parents. So what can we do to reverse child obesity?

Myself and my team at Baby Zilli are very passionate about child obesity and tackling the problem. It is our belief that the problem starts with baby food and specifically what you feed your baby during the weaning process. Historically baby food available commercially in the supermarkets has been bland and without a great deal of taste. Whilst some people may say that baby food needs to be bland during the weaning process the Baby Zilli team strongly disagrees with this and we feel that those that say this do so to justify the fact that there food lacks tastes and flavours.

The simple fact is that the earlier that you educate your baby's palate on different tastes and flavours the more likely it becomes that they will grow up to be more adventurous eaters, therefore meaning that they will not have a fussy eating culture. This will mean that it will be highly likely that your child will eat healthier. It therefore follows that children who are fussy eaters naturally turn to 'sweet' foods which are innevitably higher in fat content.

In developing the Baby Zilli Range we have made sure that each of our recipes is non GM, has NO added salt or sugars, NO bulking agents, NO e-numbers, NO artificial additives and NO preservatives, just 100% goodness full of tastes and flavours.

Myself and my team are consistantly developing lots of great new recipes and as such we have 12 new recipes launching in the supermarkets in June 2011.

Aldo Zilli